Why I Picked It Up: The title grabbed my attention immediately! Pipsqueaks, Slowpokes, and Stinkers; Celebrating Animal Underdogs. I had so much love for the title that, when it arrived, I read it before unpacking the other books. Why I Finished It: Besides my obvious love for underdogs, I enjoyed learning about new animals and […]
Book Review: The Very Impatient Caterpillar, by Ross Burach
Why I Picked It Up: The Very Impatient Caterpillar called to me from the new picture bookshelf at our library today! The illustration of the caterpillar in the cocoon on the front (clearly not a butterfly yet) along with the word “impatient” in the title had me curious about what kind of story this might be! […]
Book Review: If I Built a Car, by Chris Van Dusen
Summer is coming! Banish the “I’m bored” gremlins by sparking creativity in your kids or students!
Book Review: Frank Einstein and the Antimatter Motor, by Jon Scieszka
All of science in six books.
The Bear Report, by Thyra Heder
This polar bear knows what we, as teachers, also know – the best way to help a student become interested in a subject is to bring it to life!
Book Review: Charlotte’s Bones: The Beluga Whale in a Farmer’s Field, by Erin Rounds
Stories are everywhere and perseverance pays off – discover the story behind the story of amazing picture book!