It’s the beginning of the year! Don’t burn your students out on quizzes just yet! Multiple choice questions are a staple in the classroom, but even though students have to answer them, they don’t have to do it in a boring way! Google Forms and Flubaroo (an add-on for Google Sheets) form a dynamic duo that […]
App Review
Review of Awesomeness: Google Cardboard
This blog post took forever. I apologize in advance for any productivity and time lost while you explore Google Cardboard. It is truly a black hole of awesomeness that will suck you in, but you won’t hardly care because it’s so cool! As I explored, there were about three categories that are distinct, but not necessarily separate: […]
Website/App Review: Google Keep
I know, I know…another Google tool! It seems every time I turn around, Google has something new and incredible to make our lives better! Google Keep is one of my personal favorites. It is in the top five tools I use every day (right up there with my email and my calendar) and I’m convinced it’s short […]
App/Website Review: Nearpod
I recently had the opportunity to use Nearpod with a group of fourth grade students, and as I was thinking about it, I couldn’t believe I haven’t written about this fantastic app yet! Nearpod is one of the “oldies but goodies” that has been around a while, but that you kind of forget about until you see it […]
App/Website Review: Booksource Classroom Organizer
** Contact us if you would like to have one of our highly recommended technology sessions come to your campus! ** They say you can never have too many books. We have a lot of them in our house – shoved in bookcases in various rooms and then boxes when the bookcases are full or the books […]
App/Website Review: Epic!
This nifty website/app might just be the best kept secret of all time. I know that sounds like a bit of an exaggeration, but if you have children in your life, have access to the internet, and you aren’t using Epic!, you will probably agree with me very shortly. Simply put, Epic! ( provides unlimited […]